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    « Interview: AJ Schnack and Michael Azerrad, Filmmakers of "KURT COBAIN ABOUT A SON" | Main | Interview: Jesse Epstein, Director THE GUARANTEE »

    May 14, 2007


    James, thanks so much for your comment and your support--it's much appreciated. I'm so excited to see what Pernille will do next after that incredible feature debut.

    I very much enjoy reading your stuff, as well. I hope to be in Toronto again this September--much easier now that I'm closer!

    Thanks so much for this! I meant to comment weeks ago when I first linked it on my own blog. I loved the film but the director couldn't be there for a Q&A, so your interview filled in a lot of gaps for me. Love the blog, too, and hope you can keep up the good work, especially with your big move and what seems like a bery busy time in your life.

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