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    « Thom Powers Hosts New Docs-in-Progress Series | Main | Moore Makes CNN Squirm (Along With the Rest of Us) »

    July 03, 2007


    Just seen on television Flying Confessions of a Free Woman. It is a truly inspiring film. Whilst following Jennifer's personal journey alongside all the other women from different cultures and backgrounds in this film, I felt a connection to some of the stories and emotions. Although I cannot be as open with my story with family and friends, thank you Jennifer for being the voice for me in sharing yours.

    Hey the Flying Documentary will be coming to the Sundance Channel this month. Here is the Link: http://www.sundancechannel.com/series/flying_confessions
    I must have this film part of my DVD collection. Jennifer Fox is way better than Michael Moore.

    Hey the Flying Documentary will be coming to the Sundance Channel this month. Here is the Link: http://www.sundancechannel.com/series/flying_confessions
    I must have this film part of my DVD collection. Jennifer Fox is way better than Michael Moore.

    I second that, fantastic interview. It really is great to know more about how the film was made and the motivations behind Fox's filming. And for those who haven't seen the movie... GO! It was great and there's only a few days left.

    Terrific interview. I just came upon your blog during silverdocs and have been really enjoying it. Thanks.

    Great interview!! I saw "FLYING: Confessions of a Free Woman" this week at the Film Forum and really loved it!
    I have to admit that the length seemed daunting at first but the film plays out like a series (which was its original intention) so the flow is incredibly smooth and the story is so riveting that I forgot all about Film Forum's uncomfortable seats!! Part 1 was great - especially the 3rd hour with Paramita in India, but Part 2 blew me away!!! Fox travels to Cambodia to speak with young prostitutes and to Pakistan to meet a rural village of women. I highly recommend this honest and raw film about women's lives, it is so personal and intimate it really made me think about my own life and place in the world. Go to see Part 1 but DO NOT MISS Part 2!!!!

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