Anna Broinowski, the brilliant filmmaker behind Forbidden Lies, has just returned to her native land of Oz from Qatar where the film won the Golden Award at the recent 4th edition of the Aljazeera International Documentary Festival (I wonder how many Americans applied for that fest?). Well done, dear girl. She says she's chuffed. Ingrid Kopp uttered that word the other day in Toronto and I wasn't quite sure what it meant (Ingrid's a bit enigmatic) and now, I'm pretty sure it means someone's happy. :)
I would not have expected such a positive response for the film from a place in the Gulf; I'm glad they got it. Next stop for her, San Fran from April 30 to May 6 and, fingers crossed, during that jaunt she'll have a long phone chat with me that I will share with you, you lucky sods.